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(added 19/12/2009)

Anne relates the following story from her time in the Philippines in late 2009.

We were visiting our school in Palawan Island when the mother of one of our pupils came to ask help for her nephew who was in hospital. With tears in her eyes this lady told me that the boy's kidneys had failed and the doctors had said there was nothing they could do to help him. There were no dialysis machines in the hospital for such a desperate situation. The only help that they could give the boy was to put him on a drip. The family had already been informed that this boy did not have long to live, and now everybody was just waiting for death to come and bring an end to his sufferings.
We went to the hospital. It was quite a shock to see this 15 years old boy, for he looked more like a ten year old. He was so small and thin, just skin and bones because his flesh had wasted away. His face looked rather grey and he sat upon an old, rusty iron bed. There was no mattress or pillow in the bed, only some sort of fabric to cover the wooden base of the bed. There were drops of blood that had dried on the floor as nobody had cleaned them away, and one could see the signs of the illnesses of previous patients on the walls. The boyʻ´s aunt and father were in the room, crying hopelessly.
My friend Maj-Lis and I talked with the boy and told him about Jesus. Then we asked if he was a believer. No, he was not, but he wanted to receive Jesus as his Saviour. We prayed together and naturally I prayed for his healing, as the grace of God is bigger than we are able to grasp or understand. Even though his family members were expecting the boy to die, that does nor restrict our heavenly Father. He can operate outside the realms of possibility.

There was a clear change in the boy after we prayed for him. The look in his eyes changed and it felt like life had come back. A few days later I asked one of our teachers if she had heard any news about this child. She answered joyfully: “Do you know, Anne, it came as a complete surprise to us all, but the boy has started to recover and feels much better. According to the doctors that was absolutely impossible . God has intervened and touched him!”


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