Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Hosea Ministry International

What We Do

Anne has been doing mission work in the Asia-Pacific Islands since 2001.

New: May 2018 Newsletter about Hosea churches and projects Link: PNG newsletter of Hosea churches and projects


Papua New Guinea

Under Anne’s leadership there have been established many churches and three schools from pre-schools to Elementary schools in Enga Province, in addition Hosea Ministry Bible College is also in built in PNG. The ministry is taking good shape as the developments in both spiritual and social services are provided to people in various places in the country. One of our churches is in Port Moresby and our schools from Kinder, prep, and Elementary enrolling around 170-200 children and are located in Highland area.

Our Ps. Sauan Emeck is currently overseeing the progress of the Hosea Ministry in PNG and it has progressed very well over the many years. I’m blessed to work with the great men of God and we continue to do more with what ever resources that we have and with help of our Lord.


Anne has founded 7 Christian Schools in island of Mindoro one of them is in Manila. two of our Schools are in Oriental Mindoro giving education to children of Mangya tribe, in Bulalacao and Gamut area these two schools have their own little school building also.

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Hosea has 8 Churches in Mindoro including one church in Manila. We are employing 16 teachers and built two schools one in city of Mamburao and second school was built in village of Aroma, other schools are located in rented buildings around the island.

Hosea also own fishing boat in Oriental Mindoro. This boat is providing income to our tribal church in Bulalacao Every year we are offering Medical Mission to Mangya tribes in Oriental Mindoro. Our Pastors and volunteers are also working in many other tribal areas, giving food/ clothing and education to those who are in most need in help.

Hosea’s Youth Evangelist Nathan Osnes from Norway is leading youth work in Hosea, preaching at schools and prisons and we are also doing disciple training courses and seminars to local Christians.

Our Ministry is growing fast for this reason we are building a small hotel in the city of Mamburao Our goal is train young people to Hospitality work and getting income to support Hosea main schools. The hotel building is under construction just now, that moment we are tiling the floors. The hotel need only 3 months to be completed but due the lack of funds we need to take things slower and collect more funds to get rooms ready and the paint work done The future of our hotel looks bright we already have reservation in advance.

Our main things are free Christian education for those children that are living in poverty. Hosea schools are providing education 700-800 children per year and our academic result are excellent.



Through Hosea Ministry International a Christian school has been set up in the city of Naiafu, part of the Vava’u island group in the Kingdom of Tonga. We have pre-school, and elementary and more than hundred students in Hosea Tonga and several teachers there, Our Principal teacher is Dorothy Nawadradra. Hosea Tonga is taking also those students from Government schools that for some reason or another need special teaching and support that Government schools can not give for them. Read more...

The purpose of the Schools is to offer feeding programs and free education to the poor and homeless children of the areas. These projects have been blessed with numerous healing miracles and revivals in many areas, and have already reached many thousands of children. 700 of those children are now born again Christians, attending the follow-up programs of the local Churches connected to the Schools.

Situations that seem impossible are often the perfect opportunity for God to let loose His supernatural power. Miracles do happen and they are meant for you too! Anne's testimony encourages others, she firmly believes in God's saving Grace and she is now reaching into Europe.


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